Ra. One - 2011 - (Mp3 / Songs)

Ra. One Movie Synopsis : 

In Ra One film Shahrukh khan rolled as super hero. Many people saying that Role of Ra One or G One is inspired by Kendrict Rupert from novel The Voltr where power generation, super here, Electricity from left hand and so on.

On this sci-fi movie king khan plays superhero rule generate electricity on left hand which is due to electric shock in child life and developer just before adult hood (after teenage)

Though it is said that jacky chan will be on the film of Ra.1 but after some days from twitter update we know that jacky chan will not be here. Story is based on Superhero, Gaming and bad guys. Shahrukh in love with kareena where Arjun Rampal acted as vilain

Cast & Crew :

Banner: Red Chillies Entertainment
Color: C
Release Date: 3 June 2011
Language: Hindi
Genre: Sci-Fi
Shooting Studios: Filmistan, Mehboob Studio, Filmcity
Producer: Shahrukh Khan
Director: Anubhav Sinha

Star Cast:

Shahrukh Khan…… G.One
Arjun Rampal
Shahana Goswami
Kareena Kapoor

Screenplay: Shahrukh Khan
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