Ever Downloader started out as a hobby really, i was always working on blog design and playing around with templates, gadgets and attracting traffic to blogs so i started posting the latest songs, movies and other stuff.

After only posting a few posts i quickly found Spice up .... blog getting popular and my readership growing so i decided to focus on adding more content and making the blog more friendly ,,,,,

Playing With Domains

Ever Downloader  was started in 2012 originally as "ever-downloader.blogspot.com"  and now i am thinking that i buy domain for my blog...

The Author

I am the main author of Ever Downloader, I'm Shahid Maqbool and I'm from the Pakistan, Everything i have learned has been self thought simply through my Insane need to know How Things Work !

I started my first blog in 2011 just as New Blogger was launched and since then have not looked back.I still learn new things every day especially when it comes to the latest design techniques like Css3, Html 5 and the not so new but not yet old jQuery. I like to think i could built a Blogger template from a blank document but have yet to try. 