Lafangey Parindey (MP3)

Lafangey Prindey Ronit Sarkar
Media Player-128 Kbps

   Man Lafanga Mohit Chauhan
Media Player-128 Kbps

Dhatad Tatad Shail Hada & Anushka Manchanda
Media Player-128 Kbps

Nain Parindey Shilpa Rao
Media Player-128 Kbps

Rang Daalein Suraj Jagan
Media Player-128 Kbps

Born To Fly Instrumental
Media Player-128 Kbps

  Mann Lafanga - Club Mix Joshilay
Media Player-128 Kbps

You cannot download a file directly from ( now). The site acts as a search engine and provides links to other sites (like from where you can download the torrent file.
1. Go to and search for the file you want to download.
2. It will list a number of matches. Select the one with better seed/peer ratio.
3. Next it will provide you the links to sites hosting the torrent file ( is the best option).
4. Once you are at (or any other similar sites), download the file by clicking the download/magnetic link button.
5. Next fire up your bittorrent/utorrent application and select the downloaded file. (If you select magnetic download, it automatically starts the native torrent application.)
6. The downloading begins... 

if you dnt under stand click here

