3 Bachelors (2012) 
DVD Rip | Full PC Movie

Released : Jul 6, 2012
Genre : Comedy, Romance
Starcast : Sharman Joshi, Raima Sen, Riya Sen, Manoj Pahwa, Himani Shivpuri

Movie Description :
This is a film about two ``young bachelors`` and one ``young at heart`` bachelor. It`s a humorous take on their respective love stories. Mischievous Amit (Sharman Joshi) and shy Jai (Manish Nagpal) are two small town boys who come down to Mumbai for admission in Dhariwal College. To his credit, Amit ends up in a jam when he teases Neha (Raima Sen) and Nisha (Ria Sen) on the very first day of college and manages to drag poor Jai into this mess too. Three Bachelors - a story full of comedy, romance and confusion! It promises to make you laugh uncontrollably and will win your hearts!

Movie Duration : 1 Hour : 47 Mins

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