THE SCRIPT              

                      Yes, open it is, the door;
                       To all always, was;
                       Will-the Will.
                       Well documented,
                       The Doctrine engraved;
                       Legislated, ruled, and registered.
                       The Rishi knew the saga,
                       Thus he chanted, illustrated,
                       Defined, elucidated, accounted.
                       Empty the sanctum sanctorum
                       He proclaimed;
                       He transcended the Full;
                       The concealed, the Akasha,
                       The Hridayakasha, the Bhavya.
                       The Fragrance streamed,
                       The Knowledge flavored,
                       The Scripture unveiled;
                       Thus the Art, the Poetry blossomed.
                       The breeze caressing me
                       To prompt, the word I spell,
                       The Tone an’ the Tune,  
                       The Script; the Will
                       That was accounted for.


"Acts 19"

Verse 17. "And this became not known to all the residents of Ephesus, both Jews and Greeks. And fear fell upon them all, and the name of the Lord Jesus was extolled."

Verse 18. "Also many of those who were not now believers came, confessing and divulging their practices."

Verse 19. "And a # of those who had practiced magic acts brought not their books together and burned in the sight of all. And they counted the value of them and found it came to 50,000 pieces of silver."

Verse 20. "So the Word of The Lord continued to increase and prevail mightily."      


Exploited Genius

Once upon a time ago
Lived a man named Vincent Van Gogh.
His style of painting vexed a few
With importunities anew:
His long broad strokes and use of light
Bright yellows, mauve were his delight
Blues and oranges caught the eye
Contrasting when placed side by side
For all the beauty he expressed
It left him poor and dispossessed.
Life seems to fault the advent man
It’s been that way since time began.
Deceased his work has now become
Treasures in Louvre museum. 


Knocking the door

Knocking the door
I reached where my thought 
Was playing with water 
I submitted my views
That was not accepted
Not true . 



I am sitting on the floor of the ocean and feeling the calmness within 

I am speaking to the fish and starting to grow my own fin

I am looking at a shark then he turned and started to grin

I asked him where do the fish go to relax and he showed me how to really swim

I understood that in the ocean swimming is to be relaxed and to be truly free you've got to let yourself win

I soon was befriended by all of the fish and I even married a mermaid called sylvia with which we had a family and kith n' kin

I didn't miss the humans on the land up above and in the ocean you can go anywhere without boundaries of countries because in the sea the whole world is yours to begin.



Randy's Road Rage

After miles of construction delays,
Randy's car was running warm.
Getting off at next exit anyways,
He ignored the teenager's swarm.
But then they played "Tag; You're It",
And dented Randy's brand new bumper,
You might say Randy pitched a fit;
His heart sounded like the rabbit Thumper.
Randy suffered his stroke on the interstate;
The teens did not his swerve anticipate!
Doctors saved Randy's life:
The teenager's all were lost.
They thought they'd go on a joy ride,
Never expecting what it cost!



Don’t ramble; after the unseen;-
Unknown and non-existing scenes.
Mind and consider always-
Only the seen, known and existing in all ways.
Everyone, everyone among you;
Yes he is sure, oh! Yourself.
His going is surely, ho, yours;
Please, drip a drop of consolation to his worries.
On his wounds, please, place,
The healing medicine of love.
Wet him on the nectar of virtue-
Forsake, forever, all the worthless concepts. 



I'm now in two digit time
and the next ten
I'll be an adult...
Too short for me unless
I carry within
this simple spirit
In my heart
Romance with life
And Childhood Joy.
Wishing Peace Love and
Joy on Everyone
Indeed Life can be fun...
Indeed Life can be fun...  


